Recipe Index

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Japanese Cotton Cheese Cake - Encore

My family really loves this cake. It is soft, just like sponge cake, but it has a soft cream cheese taste. A perfect combination.

I have not made this cake for at least 1 year, since I am now in love with bread making and I do not have enough energy to play around with cake making. Although, there are many recipes, that I want to try or to repeat.

Last weekend, we got dinner invitation from our friend. We used this occasion, for our children play date. I did not have an idea what to bring there. However, when I checked my refrigerator, I immediately saw that I just bought two packages of cream cheese, just more than enough to make this cake.

So, I tested my hand if I still could remember how to make this cake. It was not easy for me to make the cake perfect. Before I could ever get it right, I did produced at least 4 failed cake.

The recipe of this cake, can be found in this page.
I have added some notes there.

It turned out, that I still can make this cake right. The cake was almost finished that day. My youngest boy even ate 2 slices. He climbed on to my lap and sheepishly said that he was still  hungry. He just wanted one more slice of cake.

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