Recipe Index

Recipe Index

Indonesian Dish
  1. Gudeg Nangka
  2. Nasi Pecel Sambal Tumpang
  3. Perkedel (Oven) Soup
  4. Sayur Asam
  5. Siomay Bandung
  6. Spare Ribs with Sweet Coriander Sauce
  7. Tempe/Tahu Bacem

Asian Dish
  1. Ayam Masak Kecap Asin dan Tomat/Chicken Cooked in Soy Sauce and Tomato 
  2. Aubergine in (Spicy) Garlic Sauce
  3. Chinese Pork Jerky (from minced meat)
  4. Chinese Rice Dumpling (Bak Chang)
  5. Nasi Bakmoy
  6. Stuffed Cabbage Soup

Western Dish
  1. Home Made Quiche with Italian Sausage
  2. Baked Cauliflower Cheese
  3. Cauliflower Pizza Base
  4. Double Crusted Apple Taart
  5. Oven Baked Honey Lemon Chicken with A Hint of Rosemary
  6. Roasted Pumpkin Vegetable Soup
  7. Sweet Potato Curry with Cauliflower Rice

Indonesian and Asian Snack/Dessert
  1. Biji Salak/Sweet Potato in Palm Sugar and Coconut Milk
  2. Kue Lapis Tapioca- Rice Pandan Chocolate
  3. Kue Lumpang
  4. Kukus Singkong - Steamed Cassava
  5. Pastel Goreng/Gebakken Pastei/Fried Puff
  6. Potato Doughnuts
  7. Purple Yam Rose Steamed Buns (Mantou)
  8. Serabi Saus Kinca
  9. Steamed (Pork) Buns - Bakpao or Bapao
  10. Steamed (chicken and egg) Buns
  11. Talam Labu Kuning/Pumpkin Talam
  12. Tuna Puff Pastry

  1. Ham and Cheese Muffin

  1. Ananas Taart Cookie (Nastar)
  2. Cheese Sagu/Tapioca/Maizena cookie
  3. Cheese Stick (Indonesia Kaasstengels)
  4. Crispy Almond Cheese
  5. Sugar Cookie

  1. Cheesecake Brownies
  2. Chocolate Chiffon cake
  3. Durian Mille-Crepe
  4. Green tea Mille-Crepe with Azuki Bean Filling
  5. Japanese Cotton Cheesecake
  6. Lapis Surabaya
  7. Marble cake
  8. Pandan Chiffon cake
  9. Potato cake
Cake Pop

  1. Baked Bulgogi Pao
  2. Bo Lo Bun with Char Siew Filling (Pineapply bread)
  3. Brioche Bread
  4. Brioche Cupbread
  5. Filled Asian Bread - with water-roux method
  6. Pork Bread with Fresh Cream method
  7. Watermelon Bread (Milk Bread with water roux Method)
  8. Yam Sweet Potato Bread

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