Recipe Index

Monday, March 9, 2015

Cheese Sagu/Tapioca/Maizena Cookie

Usually, during certain festive season, we provide different types of cookie and other food to welcome family and friends who come to visit us or to share some happiness with others. This year, the Lunar/Chinese New Year fell in February. Since we are far away from home, we plan a dinner together with our friends. This time, it is a quite big group.

Usually, the reunion dinner is at the new year eve. However, since a few friends wanted to watched K3, a singing group popular with young children here, we plan the get together, 1 week after.

I had this urge to make cookie. This time, I wanted to try the sagu/tapioca/maizena cookie. Instead of sagu or maizena, I used tapioca. I got the recipe from a high school senior, who is good with cooking and food photography.

This cookie reminds me of my childhood and the festivities back home. Unfortunately, this is not the favorite of my children. They have slightly different taste than me.

Here is the recipe and the method.

300 gr sagu/tapioca/maizena flour
50 gr butter
100 gr margarine
2 pandan leaves
100 gr grated cheese (oud)
50 ml coconut milk
100 gr icing sugar
1 egg yolk

1. Heat the flour and pandan leaves in a wok WITHOUT any oil for around 15 minutes. Put aside.
2. Whisk the butter, margarine, and sugar.
3. Add the egg and sifted flour.
4. Add the grated cheese until it is mixed well.
5. Line your baking pan with baking paper and put the mixture in the bag and use the big star tip to form the cookie.
6. Bake the cookies in the oven 170C for around 20 minutes.


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