Recipe Index

Monday, November 3, 2014

Baked Cauliflower Cheese

A simple vegetable based dish, but still can be enjoyed with our children (toddlers).

Because of the time of harvesting of the certain vegetables and fruits this year, and at the same time the conflict and banning between EU and Russia, there are excess of some vegetables and fruits. That is why, I try to cook and introduce and prepare as much as I can vegetables and fruits on our table.

One of the vegetables that is sold cheaper than it usually is to avoid the waste, is cauliflower. Usually we cook it (in Indonesia) as clear soup. But, I have tried some oven based and cream soup recipes with that. One of the easy and quick (relative to Asian dishes) is cauliflower cheese oven.

I served it last week and we ate that with grill skin salmon - with homemade teriyaki sauce.

Here is the cauliflower dish. I took the recipe from this website and copy it here for my own note next time.

1 cauliflower
500 ml milk (or can be adjusted) - *we usually use full cream milk*
40-50 gr of butter
4 tbsp flour
150 gr grated cheese *I use jong belegen cheese*
salt and pepper to taste *I omit the salt part, that is why I used more cheese*

1. Cut the cauliflower florets
2. Boil the cauliflower florets - 1 boil is enough, since we will bake it in the oven
3. Drain the cauliflower and arrange it in the oven proof dish
4. In a pan, heat the butter, add milk and flour and stirr until the flour dissolved and the mixture becomes thicker. Turn off the heat
5. Add a part of the grated cheese and stirr
6. Pour the mixture onto the cauliflower, make sure it is at least 1/2 or 3/4 covered with the mixture
7. Cover the cauliflower with the rest of the grated cheese and followed it by the breadcrumb
8. Bake it for around 20 minutes, 180C or until the top is golden brown.

I did not take a picture when it is fresh from the oven.

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