I love to cook, but I am not a good cook. I love to eat and am critical to what I eat. Don't get me wrong, I am always grateful of what is served in front of me. However, having tasted variation of foods from so-so quality to quite good quality (do not dare to say I have tasted the best, since I am not a qualified cook or food critic), I manage to from-time-to-time differentiate the better one from the not-so-good one.
Anyway, I am trying to record what I have served for my family and friends. And will use this to improve what I can provide them. I hope everybody enjoy the food and process.
The following is a snack I tried to serve to my 1 year old boy. I was looking for something Asian, which is not easy to get in our living place, but suitable for a new toddler. One Sunday afternoon, I made this. Turned out that my baby boy quite liked it. It is easy to do.
The recipe is taken from www.detikfood.com. It is reposted below in Indonesian. If I have time I will post the translation.
1 kg singkong, kupas, parut *(I used frozen grated cassava, thawed)
1 bungkus agar-agar bubuk putih
300 ml santan *(I used 400 ml coconut milk since I do not want to waste the extra 100 ml from the package)
150 g gula pasir *(I used only 100 gr sugar)
Pewarna makanan, sesuai selera
Taburan, kukus jadi satu:
100 g kelapa kupas, parut memanjang
½ sdt garam
Cara membuat:
•Peras singkong, sisihkan.
•Siapkan loyang segi empat 20 cm, olesi minyak.
•Campur santan, gula dan agar-agar, aduk rata.
•Masukkan singkong parut, aduk rata.
•Bagi menjadi 3 bagian, beri pewarna sesuai selera. *(I used only 2 colors)
•Tuang satu bagian adonan dalam loyang.
•Kukus dalam kukusan panas hingga matang.
•Lapisi dengan adonan kedua.
•Kukus dan kerjakan yang sama dengan adonan ketiga.
•Kukus hingga seluruhnya matang.
•Angkat dan dinginkan.
•Potong-potong setebal 1,5 cm. Taburi kelapa parut.
And I do not have a big enough steamer. So, I heated my oven for 15 minutes with a pyrex bowl full of water at 200C, and after that put the cassava in the oven. It worked!
Here is a picture of my son enjoying the food.
And here is the whole loaf of the steamed cassava cake.
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